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Risk Factors

Some of the risk factors for uterine cancer are:

  • Age: The risk of developing uterine cancer increases with age. Most uterine cancer develops after menopause.
  • Family history: There is an increased risk of endometrial cancer in women suffering from Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer). It is an inherited disease passed from the parents to children and caused by a gene mutation.
  • Diet: A diet rich in fat increases the risk of several types of cancer, including uterine cancer. People on a diet rich in fats are at increased risk of obesity. It is important to note that obesity is also a risk factor for uterine cancer.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Several underlying medical conditions also increase the risk of uterine cancer. These conditions include obesity, diabetes, and ovarian diseases. Women with ovarian diseases have altered progesterone and estrogen hormone levels, which increases their risk of uterine cancer.
  • Menstrual problems: Disorders related to the menstrual cycle increases the risk of uterine cancer. Women with early menstruation, prolonged menstrual days per cycle, and late menopause are at increased risk of uterine cancer. Further, women who have not been pregnant are more vulnerable to uterine cancer because of their increased exposure to estrogen.
  • Treatment for other disorders: Women may undergo several types of treatment during their life. Some treatments, such as the use of tamoxifen, radiation therapy to the pelvis, and estrogen replacement therapy, increase the risk of uterine cancer.

Taking On Cancer, Together !​

Life does not stop when cancer strikes.​

We are with you in this fight to win over cancer. We are here to give you the strength to recover through a comprehensive cancer care program.

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