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At American Oncology Institute, we offer a continuum of care through your entire journey right from diagnosis, treatment to follow-up care. Through our centres of excellence spread across 11 departments, our team provides a comprehensive range of advanced, multidisciplinary services. Our centres of excellence comprise of the following departments, each collaborate with one another to arrive at a personalized, integrated treatment plan to improve the clinical and emotional outcomes of the disease. A multi-disciplinary team of Medical, Radiation and Surgical Oncologists from AOI together assess the patient’s condition to arrive at the right treatment decisions. There are more than 200 types of cancers. Each cancer needs a customized treatment plan and most of them need more than one type of treatment modality, such as Radiation or Medical or Surgical Oncology. AOI’s experienced cancer specialists create the most effective treatment plan following US University-level guidelines. We are committed to ensure that the best care plan and treatment options are presented to patients to fight the disease and successfully overcome it.

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Anaesthesia & Critical Care

Anaesthesia and critical care play crucial roles in the comprehensive management of cancer patients. Anaesthesiologists evaluate patients before surgery, considering their overall health status, concurrent medical conditions, and potential risks associated with anaesthesia.

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Clinical Oncology

Clinical oncology is a medical specialty focused on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. It involves the management of patients with various types of malignancies and encompasses multiple disciplines working together to provide comprehensive care.

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Head & Neck Surgery

The head and neck cancer is a collective term that includes several different types of cancers. These cancer types are categorized by the area in which they begin.

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Medical Oncology

Medical oncology is diversified into various modalities of treating cancer into chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormonal therapy and targeted therapy, all with an aim of treating cancer effectively with less and tolerable side effects for the patients.

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Musculoskeletal Cancers

American Oncology Institute (AOI) is one of the best hospitals for musculoskeletal cancer treatment in India or orthopaedic cancer center in India providing extensive cancer care

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Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine refers to the branch of medicine that involves administering radioactive substances in order to diagnose and treat a number of medical conditions, including some forms of cancer.

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Pain Management

American Oncology Institute (AOI), the best Pain Management hospital in India specializes in the diagnosis and management of primary or secondary cancers affecting the brain and spinal cord

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Palliative Medicine

Palliative medicine in cancer refers to the specialized medical care provided to patients who have been diagnosed with cancer and are facing advanced or terminal stages of the disease

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Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone marrow transplant or BMT is a treatment that’s performed when the damaged bone marrow needs to be replaced with a healthy one. The damage usually occurs because of chronic infections, diseases such as leukemia, aplastic anaemia, and lymphoma

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Radiation Oncology

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy focusses on delivering the dose as precisely as possible and limited to the affected tumor part sparing the unaffected normal tissues.This helps minimize the adverse effects caused to the cancer patient and avoids damage

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Robotic Surgery

American Oncology Institute (AOI) has been at the forefront of providing unparalleled care to its patients by refining its techniques and adopting the latest technology.

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Surgical Oncology

American Oncology Institute (AOI) is one of the best surgical oncology hospitals in India and has been re-defining the future of cancer care in India, providing comprehensive cancer care by growing

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Uro Oncology

American Oncology Institute (AOI) is one of the best Uro-oncology or urologic cancer hospitals in India. We have our multidisciplinary team of doctors who are experts in treating many forms of cancer

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Taking On Cancer, Together !​

Life does not stop when cancer strikes.​

We are with you in this fight to win over cancer. We are here to give you the strength to recover through a comprehensive cancer care program.

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